
You can use Jambalaya to edit pages, components, or anything that is markdown based.

Define editable elements

To make content editable, include the data-jambalaya data attribute and the content id of the associated markdown file. Jambalaya will listen to click events on anything data-jambalaya and will load the associated file to be edited.

<button  data-jambalaya="contentId">Edit</button>

Listen for changes

To preview your changes, listen for jambalaya-events in your template. As changes are made, Jambalaya emits an event including an object containing all the changes to the files.

if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  document.addEventListener("jambalaya-event", this.onJambalayaEvent);
Tip To prevent errors when generating files with a static site generator (SSG), it's recommended to check first before referencing document.